SWEEEP: A pan-institute Series of Webinars in Environmental and Energy Economics and Policy

Environmental, energy, and ecological problems have grown faster than their solutions. Economists have an important role to play to address these issues by using the latest science, rigorous methods and innovative policy solutions. The SWEEEP webinar series aims to convene the academic community to contribute to the scientific, economic, and policy discourses on important environmental and energy issues.
The webinar takes place at different times and has a duration of 60 minutes, with questions at the end. In order to attend the webinar, registration is mandatory. Please use the links in the program to access the registration form.
To receive regular updates, send an email to Davide Cerruti (cerrutid@ethz.ch).
Program - Spring Semester 2024
About the founding institutions
The European Institute on Economics and the Environment (eiee.org) is a partnership between Resources for the Future and Foundation CMCC. EIEE’s impartial economic and environmental research aims to facilitate the transition to a sustainable, inclusive society. Reference: external page Prof. Massimo Tavoni
The ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research is a leading German economic policy institute and a member of the Leibniz Association. ZEW's applied research aims to study and help design well-performing markets and institutions in Europe. In particular, it seeks to understand how to create a market framework that will enable the sustainable and efficient development of European economies.
Reference: external page Prof. Sebastian Rausch
The Centre for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE) was established in 1999 to complement the natural science and technical-oriented disciplines at ETH Zurich, by contributing to research and teaching in energy policy and economics. Through rigorous application of modern empirical methods, the goal of CEPE is to make critical contributions to the design and evaluation of energy and climate policy instruments.
Reference: Prof. Massimo Filippini